Summary of our UCE2018 Results 2018

To God be the glory for the wonderful blessings to our dear students, our dear parents and all other stakeholders. This is the summary of our performance for UCE2018.

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7 replies
  1. Mwaka Emmanuel
    Mwaka Emmanuel says:

    Every time glory should be to the Almighty GOD.
    Congratulation to our 2018 UCE candidates for the great achievements they have made in their UCE

  2. Robert. Bakalu
    Robert. Bakalu says:

    I’m an old boy katisco n now a Father of 4 ,all my children will have to go through katikamu sda I will always pray for katikamu success . To God be the glory thanks to all the staff .

  3. walekula emmanuel
    walekula emmanuel says:

    Hello! Am called Walekula Emmanuel, a KATISCO old boy, A level 2001_2002.
    Am happy and proud to be identified with the Great school. Currently am working with MANAFWA DLG as Asst. District Health Officer and i am married with 3 children.
    Let us support the school to maintain the standard.


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